Monthly Archives: July 2012

Ten Articles I Really Need To Stop Reading
by thevagenda
Many Vagenda posts are line-by-line takedowns of specific articles, but have you ever felt that some annoying article themes are so common that it’s unfair to pick on just one of them? Every time I want to read or write something fulfilling or useful (or read ‘Dreamers of a New Day’, Christmas present […]
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Your Vagina: A How to Guide
by thevagenda
The vagina is pretty amazing. It can expand and contract up to 200%. It’s self-cleaning, like an oven. It almost never gets caught in your zip. If you’ve got one of these essential bits of kit, be sure you know the rules of ownership. If not they might introduce a licence, and unmarked […]
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Conde Nast Lesbian Month
by thevagenda
This is the month that Conde Nast UK had a lesbian month. There were two separate features in two separate magazines explicitly about lesbians, which definitely, TOTALLY constitutes a theme. And then Tatler made their monthly party a party for lesbians. It’s basically Pride for posh people. To those of us who […]
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Why Lad Bantz Won’t Get Me Out of My Pants
by thevagenda
So – UniLad, the self-styled Mordor of Lad Banter. The Vagenda has had a brief glimpse at its content in the past, before vomiting profusely and having to have a half hour sit down in the dark. In other words, I’d been hearing about its hijinks for a while – and following a Facebook acquaintance’s […]
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Pulitzer Porn & Strippers in the Cinema
by thevagenda
You’ve all heard of it. You’ve all scoffed at it. You’re all sick of hearing about it. And you’re all tired of the questions from your menfolk about whether it’s really that hot, what your gag reflect is like, and if girls really do orgasm that easily. But the one thing you can’t deny about […]
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Tell Dave We Want to Plan Our Families
by thevagenda
Family planning is something that we all approach differently. Most of us first encounter it in the classroom, with some compulsory ‘scare you shitless’ graphic footage of a woman giving birth aimed at terrifying ten year olds away from vaginas (their own or other people’s) for at least the next decade. Some of us have […]
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Cosmo Interviews The Vagina
by thevagenda
I’m feeling a little hazy. I have this impacted wisdom tooth and the painkiller/red wine combo I’m currently rocking is making me a bit out of it. I’m fairly sure I just saw a feature in Cosmo called ‘What his penis wishes you knew’, in which the Cosmo team interview a sentient penis. I […]
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Anti-Abortion Nutjobs at it Again
by thevagenda
Bigots! Annoyed that you can’t get away with paying to paste anti-choice propaganda on the side of London bus? Pissed off that in Britain citizens are entitled to contest the presence of misleading billboards in public space? Sick of standing around outside of abortion clinics with placards of late-term foetuses? Want to shove […]
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Jezebel Thinks I’m Fictional
by thevagenda
Hey, Jezebel, a word in your ear: Some of your stuff is great. Some is interesting, some is funny, some is stridently an powerfully feminist in a way that makes me want to shout ‘fuck yeah!’ But unfortunately, some of your stuff is horribly judgemental, and makes me want to take […]
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Why there’s more to life than more!
by thevagenda
We’re in that quiet lull period in between last month’s mags and this month’s. It’s good because it means we get some respite from Cosmo and Glamour et al, but it’s also BAD BAD BAD because it means I have to resort to weeklies. I couldn’t face Closer or Reveal and let’s be […]
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No, I’m not on my period!
by thevagenda
Why misogynistic headlines will anger me more than PMS ever will One of the most demoralising features of moving back to my parents’ house as an unemployed graduate is the overwhelming presence of The Daily Fail. One of the problems with being unemployed is that I am so bored, I will read […]
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